VISITING Bible Baptist Church
Visiting any church for the very first time can be intimidating. We want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Bible Baptist Church will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home”!
When are the services?
10:00am – Sunday School
11:00am – Morning Worship Service
7:00pm – Evening Worship Service
6:30pm – Awana Clubs (2 years – 5th grade, during school year)
7:00pm – Prayer Meeting
How do I get to Bible Baptist Church?
We are located at 681 4th Street Danville Wv. If you are traveling on Smoot Ave. turn at the light by Barkers Hardware, the church is at the top of the hill.
What can I expect on my first visit to Bible Baptist Church?
When you enter the main sanctuary, you will be welcomed by our friendly greeters who will assist you and answer any questions you may have. The service is about an hour in length and is filled with Christ-honoring music and dynamic preaching. You are also welcome to join any of our Sunday School classes which begin at 10:00am. These classes are divided by age group and will give you the opportunity to build relationships and grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
What about Children?
We have children's classes for all ages available during each of our main services – Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday night prayer meeting. Our workers have received mandatory child-protection training, to assure each parent their child is properly cared for. We would love to have your children join us for these exciting classes!
What about Teens?
Our youth group, 6th-12th grade, meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm for a time of fellowship, games, Bible study, verse memorization, and preaching from the Word of God. We encourage our teens to get involved and serve God with their talents.
How should I dress?
Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday-Best” dress; however, our main goal is for you to feel welcome on your visit here at Bible Baptist Church!
Who is the Pastor?
Our Senior Pastor, Mike Clark, has been leading Bible Baptist Church since 2023. You can also find videos of his preaching through our media page. Visit our Pastoral Staff page for more information on the pastors of Bible Baptist Church.
Other questions?
If there’s something we missed on this list, please contact us or. We look forward to seeing you at Bible Baptist Church!
Visiting any church for the very first time can be intimidating. We want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Bible Baptist Church will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home”!
When are the services?
10:00am – Sunday School
11:00am – Morning Worship Service
7:00pm – Evening Worship Service
6:30pm – Awana Clubs (2 years – 5th grade, during school year)
7:00pm – Prayer Meeting
How do I get to Bible Baptist Church?
We are located at 681 4th Street Danville Wv. If you are traveling on Smoot Ave. turn at the light by Barkers Hardware, the church is at the top of the hill.
What can I expect on my first visit to Bible Baptist Church?
When you enter the main sanctuary, you will be welcomed by our friendly greeters who will assist you and answer any questions you may have. The service is about an hour in length and is filled with Christ-honoring music and dynamic preaching. You are also welcome to join any of our Sunday School classes which begin at 10:00am. These classes are divided by age group and will give you the opportunity to build relationships and grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
What about Children?
We have children's classes for all ages available during each of our main services – Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday night prayer meeting. Our workers have received mandatory child-protection training, to assure each parent their child is properly cared for. We would love to have your children join us for these exciting classes!
What about Teens?
Our youth group, 6th-12th grade, meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm for a time of fellowship, games, Bible study, verse memorization, and preaching from the Word of God. We encourage our teens to get involved and serve God with their talents.
How should I dress?
Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday-Best” dress; however, our main goal is for you to feel welcome on your visit here at Bible Baptist Church!
Who is the Pastor?
Our Senior Pastor, Mike Clark, has been leading Bible Baptist Church since 2023. You can also find videos of his preaching through our media page. Visit our Pastoral Staff page for more information on the pastors of Bible Baptist Church.
Other questions?
If there’s something we missed on this list, please contact us or. We look forward to seeing you at Bible Baptist Church!